Students and staff show their support during COVID-19 pandemic

From starting their own businesses, to taking up roles on the front line.

Staff and students from across Basingstoke College of Technology (BCoT) are being celebrated for their volunteering efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

From starting their own businesses, to taking up roles on the front line, individuals across the college have been putting their industry skills and knowledge to use and finding ways to support local individuals and businesses.

Students from a range of departments have been using their time during the pandemic to help others such as Level 3 Health and Social Care student, Caitlin Goodman. Caitlin works at a care home in Basingstoke where she supports vulnerable people on a part-time basis. When the pandemic hit, Caitlin decided to increase her hours to a full-time role so she could help as much as possible.

At the beginning of March, Hospitality and Catering student Toni-Marie decided to take on a new role in a care home so she could help residents get washed, dressed, fed and receive the appropriate medical care. Level 3 Media student Dan, who works in his local supermarket part-time, donated £100 of his earnings to the NHS to raise awareness on social media, and encourage others to do all they can to help beat the virus.


Staff from the college have also been using their time to support others during the pandemic. Retention and Progression Tutor Terry Clarke used his spare time to deliver laptops, food parcels and coursework to the homes of students, whilst lecturer Jilly has sewn over 100 surgical scrubs, gowns and caps, and volunteered at her local hospital.


Anthony Bravo, Principal of BCoT, said: “I am extremely proud of the fantastic and innovative ways our staff and students have supported the local community throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new and significant challenges for local people and businesses, and I would like to thank our staff and students for the part they have played in helping others throughout these difficult times.”

The college is currently planning its return for all students from Monday 7 September. Measures in place will include hand washing on entry and throughout the day, a directional movement system throughout the college, grouping students into ‘bubbles’, as well as staggered start and finish times and increased cleaning arrangements.

Applications to join BCoT in September 2020 are still open, if you want to apply or find out more about BCoT’s courses, visit

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RG21 8TN

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